The pipewire interface

The pipewire interface allows full access to the user’s pipewire socket, for those cases where the available portals are not enough, like when running a snapped desktop environment.

Developer details

Auto-connect: no

Path Access

The pipewire interface grants read-write access to the following paths:

  1. pipewire socket
  • /run/user/[0-9]*/pipewire-[0-9] (all systems)
  • /run/user/[0-9]*/snap.SLOT-PROVIDER-SNAP-NAME/pipewire-[0-9] (Core systems)

It also offers `shmctl’ access.

  • The source code for the Pipewire interface is in the snapd repository: pipewire.go
  • For further testing details, see: pipewire_test.go