Suggestion: It'd be great if there's an option to backup /var/lib/snapd/snaps/

It’d be great if there’s an option to backup /var/lib/snapd/snaps/ since I had to re-download all my +2GB snaps with my turtle-like internet speed (100 KB/s) after removing that folder to clear some space in my /var xD (to fix my “missing file /var/lib/snapd/snap/{SNAP_NAME}/{SNAP_ID}/meta/snap.yaml” error)

$ snap help save
  snap save [save-OPTIONS] [<snap>...]

The save command creates a snapshot of the current user, system and
configuration data for the given snaps.

By default, this command saves the data of all snaps for all users.
Alternatively, you can specify the data of which snaps to save, or
for which users, or a combination of these.

If a snap is included in a save operation, excluding its system and
configuration data from the snapshot is not currently possible. This
restriction may be lifted in the future.

[save command options]
      --no-wait     Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the change id.
      --abs-time    Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display short relative times.
      --users=      Snapshot data of only specific users (comma-separated) (default: all users)
$ snap help restore
  snap restore [restore-OPTIONS] <id> <snap>...

The restore command replaces the current user, system and
configuration data of included snaps, with the corresponding data from
the specified snapshot.

By default, this command restores all the data in a snapshot.
Alternatively, you can specify the data of which snaps to restore, or
for which users, or a combination of these.

If a snap is included in a restore operation, excluding its system and
configuration data from the restore is not currently possible. This
restriction may be lifted in the future.

[restore command options]
      --no-wait    Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the change id.
      --users=     Restore data of only specific users (comma-separated) (default: all users)

[restore command arguments]
  <id>:            Set id of snapshot to restore (see 'snap help saved')
  <snap>:          The snap for which data will be restored

more info on:

you can then download your snaps with the snap download command somewhere you have a fast connection … copy the *.snap and *.assert files over to the badly connected machine, use snap ack ... and snap install ...... to re-install them and use the above commands to get your data back in place