Stellarium-plars not working on nvidia cards

Looks like the stellarium-plars package misses soemthing to make it run on nvidia based systems… while it starts fine on Intel ones, running it on an nvidia based system produces just:

Could not initialize OpenGL for RasterGLSurface, reverting to RasterSurface.
XmbTextListToTextProperty result code -2
XmbTextListToTextProperty result code -2
XmbTextListToTextProperty result code -2
Could not initialize GLX

@plars, could you take a look (i guess you want some extra mesa glx/dri libs in stage-packages)

There is a related thread (i pointed the user here to keep the discussion going) at:

While that seems like a trivial bug, when i cross tested it for the user i noticed that when using snap find there are two snaps for stellarium in the store, additionally there is a deb as well … but Gnome Software only shows plars’ package… this is fine if a snap always works on all hardware, but if you run into bugs or want a very specific version you are forced to resort to the commandline.

Is there a chance that we could get a mode in Gnome Software to show “all other” packages, not just the first hit @robert.ancell ?

i created a PR on github that fixes the issue:

Getting stellarium-daily to show requires the new “wide scope” search support that was recently added to snapd. This is not currently supported in GNOME Software (it was added to the recently released snapd-glib 1.42).

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