Starcraft Clinic 2024-Sep-12 - new dates and times

New meetings times and dates

To accommodate more participants, the Starcraft team is switching from a fortnightly to a weekly clinic.

The meetings will alternate each week: one week they will be held on Monday at 14:00 UTC and the next week on Thursday at 18:00 UTC.

Keep your eyes on the schedule, we may adjust the dates and times as we trial it.

The next edition of the Starcraft Clinics is 2024-09-12T18:00:00Z! Come chat and get support for Snapcraft, Charmcraft, Rockcraft, or the Craft libraries in general.

You can join via Google Meet.

During the previous clinic clinic, we talked about charm bases, components, Ubucon Asia 2024, Audiotube, and a way to list available slots.

If you want to discuss any topics other than starcraft applications themselves, reply here in advance so we can invite the correct parties. For example, if you have snapd/runtime questions, we can invite someone from the snapd team.