Starcraft Clinic 2024-Jul-19

The next edition of the Starcraft Clinics is 2024-07-19T14:00:00Z! Come chat and get support for Snapcraft, Charmcraft, Rockcraft, or the Craft libraries in general.

You can join via Google Meet.

If you want to discuss any topics other than starcraft applications themselves, reply here in advance so we can invite the correct parties. For example, if you have snapd/runtime questions, we can invite someone from the snapd team.


I would like to talk about core-graphics and KDE


Nevermind, I won’t make this one, I have to have surgery on my broken arm Friday. Next one.


Is it okay to bring snaps that are failing to build, to get help?

I have a couple, one of which spits out unfathomable logs.

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Sorry to hear, feel better and see you in a future clinic!


Absolutely. @cmatsuoka and @sergiusens won’t be attending but @lengau and I will be there and will do our best to help.


Can we discuss about launchpad api?

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While 7am is pretty early for me, I will try to attend. I would like to discuss issues with core24 and getting Ruby CLI apps working with it. I ran into a weird error, and this seems to be part of a larger issue of how Snapcraft’s ruby plugin is still stuck on core18, which forces snapcrafters to resort to all sorts of manual workarounds.


@soumyaDghosh - yes we can.

@postmodern - we can discuss ruby as well, which is overdue for an update.


Thanks to everybody who joined, this was a busy meeting!

Meeting notes:

Using the Launchpad API

craft-parts issues

remote build

  • @popey brought some problems with the remote builder:
    • The prompt to cancel a build ignores the user and always cancels the build
    • Launchpad is failing to pull 1 of 3 near-identical snaps
      • We’re not sure what the problem because craft-parts doesn’t capture stderr from git calls, which limits troubleshooting
      • @popey will file a bug
    • node snaps are failing to build in Launchpad because it can’t find npm
      • This discussion will probably need to continue in the forums or matrix
    • If one of the builders is tied up, it delays fetching artefacts for all other builds
      • For example, arm64 had a 12 hour backlog recently, so you have to wait 12 hours to download the amd64 snap that built in 5 minutes
      • This may tie into the feature for “parallel” support of remote-builds (multi-line progress, retrieving artefacts as each job completes)

Thanks for the discussion. Here’s the bugs (and one of them triggered a bonus bug!).


Missed the Clinic again. :frowning: Is there some place where we could discuss issues related to packaging up Ruby software (particularly CLI utils). The developer experience with core22 and without the ruby plugin has not been optimal.

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@postmodern Sorry you weren’t able to make it.

There’s a matrix channel.

But I suspect the timezone separation may become frustrating for ‘realtime’ chat.

Perhaps @mr_cal or someone else on the team could schedule one that’s more usable for you.


@mr_cal we should consider a twice a week Clinic and offset one to our afternoon to accommodate availabiltiy


I logged this one a while back

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I would love this, Fridays are near impossible for me and I have so many things