I translate(d) many open sources softwares to french, including Ubuntu (desktop and app center) since 2024 on Weblate. Before 2024 my hobby was to help Codeweavers Crossover to test/run Windows games, and before that with Playonlinux.
I have currently 39 snaps. I target old softwares that may not publish new updates, and started by old games thinking it would be easier (I’m a bit wrong because of 32bits, and 3D GPU requirements complexity). I started learning snapcraft in july 2024.
Being (mainly) a Xubuntu user since more than 10 years, the App Center (released in 2024) hit my curiosity about how Snaps work. I tought the apps number is low and wanted to improve it by “saving” old games/apps.
I don’t have Github active account because I am not a coder (I did in the early 1990’s: Atari ST, PC ).
Some of my snaps are not 100% fine (~ 5 does only run on Nvidia GPUs) because I have trouble making some snaps running with Intel/AMD Vulkan GPUs. I also have 2 or 3 snaps not released because these use absolute paths that I don’t know how to workaround.
By requesting the "Star developper " status, my goal is not the “Star” status but letting the games/apps I snapped displayable in the App Center, without users having to know these exist and search their name in order to install these.