Star developper request: Dadu042

I translate(d) many open sources softwares to french, including Ubuntu (desktop and app center) since 2024 on Weblate. Before 2024 my hobby was to help Codeweavers Crossover to test/run Windows games, and before that with Playonlinux.

I have currently 39 snaps. I target old softwares that may not publish new updates, and started by old games thinking it would be easier (I’m a bit wrong because of 32bits, and 3D GPU requirements complexity). I started learning snapcraft in july 2024.

Being (mainly) a Xubuntu user since more than 10 years, the App Center (released in 2024) hit my curiosity about how Snaps work. I tought the apps number is low and wanted to improve it by “saving” old games/apps.

I don’t have Github active account because I am not a coder (I did in the early 1990’s: Atari ST, PC ).

Some of my snaps are not 100% fine (~ 5 does only run on Nvidia GPUs) because I have trouble making some snaps running with Intel/AMD Vulkan GPUs. I also have 2 or 3 snaps not released because these use absolute paths that I don’t know how to workaround.

By requesting the "Star developper " status, my goal is not the “Star” status :wink: but letting the games/apps I snapped displayable in the App Center, without users having to know these exist and search their name in order to install these.

It is hard to review your application if you don’t link to the various snaps which you maintain - although I am guessing it is Dadu042 (dadu042) published snaps in the Snap Store - as you say you maintain a lot of snaps but I am a bit concerned about your comment regarding some not working reliably etc - Star Developers are expected to publish high quality snaps. So in this case, if you are aware of major issues, please ensure your snaps are marked as grade: devel and not published the stable channel.

Also as you are a relatively new-comer to snaps it would be good to see a bit more time ‘under-your-belt’ before being granted a status such as Star Developer in my opinion.

As such, I recommend that you keep maintaining your snaps to a high degree of quality and revisit this request in 6 months time or so.

My snaps with Vulkan issues are: Fit in bed (set as Beta), Bionicle - Masks of power legacy (set as Beta), Floating Sandbox (set as beta), Superbike Xtreme. I hope to fix these with some help.

If I am not allowed to get Star developper status, I would like to have my snaps listed in the App Center.