Star developer request: ondra

I want to be reviewed as a Star Developer in the Snap store please.

I have been making snaps since the introduction of snap packages back in 2016.

I have been contributing to 50+ snaps, opensource as well as commercial ones. Some were in the mean time handed over to the upstream maintainers (wekan, openhab), some still being suported by me (znc-ondra.

Some of the snaps are key snaps used during snap development (toolbox) or image creations (uc-image, qdl).

My avahi snap is critical snap widely deployed on comercial and hobby systems.

I am also activelly maintaining other smart home snaps like homebridge.

My total install base for commercial and opensource snaps is currently around 25k.

I have been also activelly contributing the snapd opensource project, as well as supporting tools like snapcraft.

I try to keep my snaps up to date as has been doing for the past years.


+1 from me - @ondra is a superstar in the snap ecosystem and is well deserved of being recognised as a Star Developer IMO.

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Not that Iā€™m a policy reviewer, but this seems like a no-brainer to meā€¦ Ondra is borderline legendary status in the Snap world :wink:

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@ondra is indeed a wonderful, skilled individual with many contributions, most of which people probably will never know about. +1 from me, despite not having any say in this.


I am going to hijack this thread to raise an awkward point about this topic. Before I do that, I need to preface this as not an ā€˜attackā€™ on ondra at all. Iā€™m raising it because I want the store content to improve, and I value the opinions, skills and experience of everyone in this thread, and beyond, and would like to figure out a path forward.

This sentence ā€˜triggeredā€™ me.

I try to keep my snaps up to date as has been doing for the past years.

I do too. It can be hard keeping them all up to date, and even functional. Iā€™m using more automation now, and set aside time each week to try and keep on top of this commitment, as is my responsibility.

Some time back I wrote a report which scanned all snaps in the public store, and showed huge numbers of snaps which were outdated. I privately shared it (to save blushes) with some ex-colleagues at Canonical. I have no knowledge if anything has happened since, but it doesnā€™t look like it from my perspective.

  • Do these snaps contain unsupported versions of upstream software?
  • Do they contain old versions of software which may also have security issues?
  • Do they even still work?

Thereā€™s a lot of old stuff out there.

I do not accept ā€œJust ping the publisherā€ as the right answer here. This does measurable reputational damage to the platform having cruft in it that nobody ā€˜caresā€™ about.

I modified my script to only report on one publisher and one architecture, and because ondra stood up, I pointed it at him - sorry. Also, very much not sorry, because this needs to improve across the board.

I am still +1 on @ondra getting a :star:.

Note: There are almost certainly better ways to do this, and I am 100% sure some of these (like cm3-ondra) exist on other architectures, I just happened to run this on my x86 laptop. Also, conversely, some might be published in stable within the last day, but be old releases. Itā€™s quite a minefield.

I think the store could do better at surfacing this kind of information. Like netdiscover-ondra is over 20 releases behind upstream. Shouldnā€™t it let users know?

Again, I have some outdated snaps in my ā€œcollectionā€, so, this isnā€™t a sleight on ondra. Itā€™s a much, much wider issue.

Iā€™d really like to start a conversation about this that results in actionable things that can go on someoneā€™s todo list. Iā€™m a dreamer, I know.

What can, and will we do about this? (and by ā€˜Weā€™ I very much mean ā€˜You, with our helpā€™)

review-old-snaps-by-publisher report: 2024. ondra

  • Arch: x86_64
  • Snaps published: 21

Application with no published releases (on x86_64)

  • cm3-ondra
  • pi3-ondra
  • optee-test

Applications with no release in a stable channel

  • java-jre-ondra
  • libc-shm-shim

Applications with a recent release in the latest/stable channel


  • homebridge
  • opengrok
  • znc-ondra
  • toolbox
  • avahi
  • znc-modules-ondra
  • uc-image
  • ondra-snap-ssh-debug
  • qdl


  • avahi-client


  • opengrok-src-updater



  • kura
  • cntlm-ondra


  • kura-nn


  • fs-tools
  • netdiscover-ondra



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Definitely a +1 from me for making @ondra a Star Developer. And this is now done, congrats @ondra and thank you very much for your contribution to the snap community!