Spotify snap update failed (version

A new spotify update was pushed to the stable channel today (version but the update appears to be failing with the following error:

- Setup snap "spotify" (63) security profiles (cannot update mount namespace of snap "spotify": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "spotify": cannot update snap namespace: remove /usr/bin/gjs: read-only file system)

The failed update left the snap in a broken state with the following error when trying to launch the app: ERROR: not connected to the gnome-3-28-1804 content interface.

A workaround is to remove the spotify snap and then do a fresh installation of the latest version, although this means that you will have to log in again and re-apply settings.


Instead of re-installing you should just use the snap revert command to go back to the former version on disk. (assuming the next revision will have a fix, it will automatically upgrade to it then)

Interestingly the update failed on 2 machines and succeeded on a third machine. The machines where the update failed remained on the version number before the update (so there was nothing to revert back to), but the connection to the content interface (and perhaps other interfaces) was lost during the upgrade process and wasn’t restored when the refresh failed.

This smells actually more like a snapd bug to me … you should file it…

same happened to me on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, kernel 5.15.0-69-generic, gnome version 42.5

$ spotify
ERROR: not connected to the gnome-3-28-1804 content interface.

I tried to refresh and revert but no luck

$ snap refresh spotify
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Setup snap "spotify" (63) security profiles (cannot update mount namespace of snap "spotify": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "spotify": cannot update snap namespace: remove /usr/bin/gjs: read-only file system)

reinstalling fixed it for me

snap remove spotify
snap install spotify
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I can confirm this, the same happened to me when trying to update spotify using snap refresh. Removing & installing it again solved the problem (but I needed to log in again).

I’m not sure if a bug was filled on Launchpad?

Submitted as launchpad bug #2015353


Things seem quite messed up.

$ spotify
ERROR: not connected to the gnome-3-28-1804 content interface.

Yet, snap connections lists gnome-3-38-2004:

$ sudo snap connections spotify
Interface                Plug                             Slot                            Notes
audio-playback           spotify:audio-playback           :audio-playback                 -
browser-support          spotify:browser-support          :browser-support                -
content                  spotify:gnome-3-38-2004          -                               -
content[gtk-3-themes]    spotify:gtk-3-themes             gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  -
content[icon-themes]     spotify:icon-themes              gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   -
content[sound-themes]    spotify:sound-themes             gtk-common-themes:sound-themes  -
desktop                  spotify:desktop                  :desktop                        -
desktop-legacy           spotify:desktop-legacy           :desktop-legacy                 -
gsettings                spotify:gsettings                :gsettings                      -
home                     spotify:home                     :home                           -
mount-observe            spotify:mount-observe            -                               -
mpris                    -                                spotify:spotify-mpris           -
network                  spotify:network                  :network                        -
network-manager-observe  spotify:network-manager-observe  -                               -
opengl                   spotify:opengl                   :opengl                         -
wayland                  spotify:wayland                  :wayland                        -
x11                      spotify:x11                      :x11                            -

This command shows spotify has the spotify:gnome-3-38-2004 (note the version difference). So I tried to connect it:

$ sudo snap connect spotify:gnome-3-38-2004 gnome-3-38-2004:gnome-3-38-2004
error: snap "spotify" has no plug named "gnome-3-38-2004"


$ sudo snap connect spotify:gnome-3-28-1804 gnome-3-28-1804:gnome-3-28-1804
error: snap "spotify" has no plug named "gnome-3-28-1804"

Anyone have a solution other than wiping it and reinstalling from scratch?

Okay, got it:

$ snap save spotify
Set  Snap     Age    Version               Rev  Size    Notes
2    spotify  2m60s  60   3.64GB  -

$ snap remove spotify
$ snap install spotify
$ snap restore 2 # use snapshot id from above

This left me on the latest spotify with my data intact.