Splash no longer displays messages on UC24


The splash screen displays on UC24, but the status messages are no longer displayed. The messages were pretty useful, so I’m keen to found if I can somehow restore them again.

This used to work well on UC22.

I’ve tried both with our custom splash, and the default UC one. The result is the same.

Outside of boot/shutdown, it’s possible to test as follows.

In one shell:

plymouthd --no-daemon --debug

In another shell:

plymouth --show-splash
plymouth display-message --text="Just testing"

That does indeed work on UC22, and not on UC24.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Cheers, Just

Hi @abeato

It looks like you wrote the initial code for the plash implementation and theme. Just wondering if you had any idea where the problem could be, or where advise to where I can start looking or debug further ?


Cheers, Just

There are 2 regressions that are happening here:


It will get fixed but it will take a little bit due to the backport of the debian package to noble.

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Thanks for taking a look, and sharing the info here too.

I will try and remember to loop back and post here when I know it’s fixed :+1:

Cheers, Just