Soumyadeep Ghosh(soumyadghosh) | Snapcrafters Membership Application

In the snapcraft community for almost a year now.

  • Maintaining: Tube Converter(10 months+), Dialect(8 months+), Wordbook(6 months+) and a lot
  • Contributed: Mailspring, Remmina, Sublime Text, FreeTube, Amberol, Butterfly, Foliate(maintainer), Feeling Finder, Curtail, Gapless,
  • Related Snap projects: Snapcraft(PR on the way), Gnome SDK, Kde framework 6

I made this website with the help of Feichtmeier some time ago, this also lists most(not the latest ones) of my contributions.


Great! We received your application and are discussing it internally!

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I’m happy to announce you’ve been accepted! Welcome to the bunch!

Can you send me your Telegram id so I can add you to our chat?

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Sure, sending you in the dm.

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