[Solved] Error on Walkthrough tutorial

Sorry for the beginner level question, but I’m following the hello tutorial online, and when I get to the step to add the app: bin/hello command, and prime it, everything seems to work.

When I do the next step to do

sudo snap try --devmode prime

I get an error as follows:

error: cannot try "/home/brian/mysnaps/hello/prime": not a snap directory

I searched for the error mesage “not a snap directory”. I am running this from inside


Didn’t see any instruction to move out of that directory. am I missing something perhaps?

What is the output from snapcraft version?

And do you know if you are using multipass with snapcraft?

snapcraft, version 3.8

I believe it installed multipass the first time i ran the snapcraft command in the tutorial

Not sure if it’s using that now, but I’m guessing it did the first time I ran it.

Okay, so you are probably building with multipass which means that the prime folder is probably inside the VM. Can you try running snapcraft clean && snapcraft try? That should mount the prime folder from the VM to your host and then you can run snap try prime.

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Awesome! That worked, thank you.

Great, happy to help.

Since you ran into this, this is probably an indication the walkthrough needs to be updated, can you point me to which one you were following and we will try to make sure it gets updates?

The link is where I’m at now, but it’s this walk through.

Hope that helps, if not, let me know and I can try to get the link back at step 1.

Thanks we’ll try to get that fixed ASAP.