Snapweb or webdm not found

I could not install snapweb on ubuntu core, is it removed?
Is there a webtool to manage snap on ubuntu core?

i fear there is not anymore … snapweb and webdm got both completely removed quite a while ago, they were effectively also mainly prototypes to show how the snapd REST api can be used …

OK, thank you. Maybe I need to do it by myself with snapd REST api.

note that you will need the snapd-control interface for this, this means you either need to have a brand store or manually sideload the snap from a local build, snapd-control is reserved for brand store usage (i.e. not allowed for non-canonical snaps in the global store)

So there is no way to manage snaps installed from global store currently throuth web browser. It that right?

well, you could build your own image and include a local snap, you can sideload a snap that you copy to the device with snap install --dangerous ... or you can use a brand store.

there is no web-tool in the global store currently and there is no way for non-canonical people to upload one due to the store policy (and the extremely high privileges the snapd-control interface gives you (you would be able to completely take over all core devices that have your snap installed when using the interface)).

OK, got it. Thank you very much.