Snaps updates date removed from API?

I’ve filled a bug on uappexplorer github reporting that his web site is not giving the exact date that the package was update. Is there any reason for this information being removed from API?

@noise Any idea of what API has changed there and why?

Not sure offhand but likely from the May cutover, we focused on known client (snapd) requirements and at the time uappexplorer wasn’t using the newer snap-specific APIs anyway. I’ll followup with them to make any necessary additions.

Hey guys, just echoing what I said on the uApp Explorer bug: I’ve created a bug against the snapstore:

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@bhdouglass Welcome, and thanks both for the bug report and for creating that site in the first place!

@noise Can we get someone to look into this soonish?

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Work in progress, should land before EOW.

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Landed today in production and I updated the GH issue.

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The problem is fixed. Thank you

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