today I removed some snaps. They seemed to be unused because snapd didn’t return any “dependecy error”.
I removed “gnome-46-2404” and broke the “element-desktop” snap.
I fixed it reinstalling the “gnome-46-2404” snap, but:
Why snapd didn’t return any error like the message it shows when you try to remove the core* snap? error: cannot remove "core22": snap "core22" is not removable: snap is being used by snaps brave,[...]
I still have Thunderbird broken, how can I understand which is the missing snap I should reinstall?
It returns Content snap command-chain for /snap/thunderbird/549/gnome-platform/command-chain/desktop-launch not found: ensure slot is connected.
I don’t want to reconfigure all my thunderbird accounts after removing and reinstalling Thunderbird…
Certain snaps like the gnome extension are actually replaceable and not a hard requirement … i.e. i could fork the gnome extension and create a gnome-ogra one with special features and you could use it by simply removing the existing one and installing the gnome-ogra one instead …
While i agree there should perhaps be a warning, a hard roadblock like for core22 which is essential and actually un-replaceable would break this feature …
you should open an issue against snapd on github …
Based on that information, it sounds feasible to respond to a remove request with: “Warning: gnome-46-2404 is providing content to element-desktop and mattermost-desktop. Are you sure?”