Snaps not opening at OpenSuse

I recently installed snapd, Snap Store and other snaps on OpenSuse but they not opening. When I try to open Snap Store or any snap at Terminal, it gives this error

2024/04/26 22:40:53.271929 system_key.go:147: cannot determine seccomp compiler version in generateSystemKey: fork/exec /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp: no such file or directory internal error, please report: running “snap-store” failed: missing snap-confine: try updating your core/snapd package

I updated all snap packages but it didn’t fix it. I run OpenSuse Leap 15.5.

How did you install snapd? Which instructions were you following?

The ones in OpenSuse wiki or the ones linked in the Snap Store website.

They are practically the same except for:

Swap out openSUSE_Tumbleweed for your chosen openSUSE distribution, such as openSUSE_Leap_15.5 .

Did you swap the version when adding the repository?

I’ve found that it was a problem for one user before:

Also do the snapd related services are running.

systemctl status snapd.service

systemctl status snapd.apparmor.service