Snapcraft version used by launchpad and docker images

Just checking out some recent launchpad builds of snap packages I’m responsible for, I noticed that launchpad is still using snapcraft v2.43.1, installed via apt.

Is it possible to switch to snapcraft v3, and if so how? I notice that the snap package setup now includes a setting for the core and snapcraft snap channels, is it expected to set the latter to stable (and thus install snapcraft purely as a snap) if one wants to use more recent snapcraft releases?

On a related note: IIUC the current snapcore/snapcraft:stable docker image also uses snapcraft 2.x. Is there a supported docker image that includes snapcraft 3?

I ask because some of the recent 3.0 => 3.1 changes to the cmake plugin would be useful for snaps that I maintain :wink:

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