Snapcraft /usr/lib

I’m using Python 3.11 (built in my snap) in my Snap. At run time, Python pip will launch gcc on occasion depending on the library being installed. I create a venv for all python use.

The library cannot be found and the pip install fails. The library location is /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a

Although I have tried to pass a new location using LD_LIBRARY_PATH for some reason (and i know this is getting passed I see it in the gcc command) it wont use it. It is hard coded to /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a

How to I update what becomes /usr/lib at run time during a snapcraft build? it does not seem to be an override-stage command like cp -r “${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/usr/lib” /root/usr/lib or cp -r “${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/usr/lib” /usr/lib

What am I doing wrong?