Snapcraft build failing on longer snap name

Failed to launch instance ‘snapcraft-wine-platform-runtime-core22-on-amd64-for-amd64-10109216’.

  • Command that failed: “lxc --project snapcraft launch local:snapcraft-wine-platform-runtime-core22-on-amd64-for-amd64-10109216 --config ‘r aw.idmap=both 1000 0’ --config security.syscalls.intercept.mknod=true”
  • Command exit code: 1
  • Command output: b’Creating snapcraft-wine-platform-runtime-core22-on-amd64-for-amd64-10109216’
  • Command standard error output: b’Error: Failed instance creation: Invalid instance name: Name must be 1-63 characters long’

Hi @mmtrt,

This regression should be fixed in 7.x/beta!

Note - there is a similar issue for invalid hostnames. If you stumble upon that issue, hang in there - a fix is coming soon.

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It’s on latest/candidate released as 7.1.3 and should make it to stable through the course of the day

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