Snapcraft 2.39 build failure - snap vs. deb

I recently needed to make some changes to my edgexfoundry-core snap that required a more recent version of snapcraft (I’ve been using the latest deb for xenial), so I un-installed the deb and installed the snap, which gave me 2.39.2.

When I tried to build my snap, I hit a build error when building my Go part (I’m building Go 1.9 directly in the snap). Snapcraft throws a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'elftools', even though pyelftools was specified in build-packages.

So I uninstalled the snapcraft snap, and re-installed the deb, this time from xenial-proposed. I noted that it pulled in a few extra dependencies: python3-click, python3-colorama, python3-pysha3, python3-requests-unixsocket, and xdelta3, and that my snap now builds cleanly.

This problem isn’t blocking me anymore, as I switched my snap to use the go remote part now, however I wanted to mention that I’d seen this difference in behavior between the snap and deb of snapcraft.