Snap wishlist - suggestions wanted!

+1 for MakeMKV - Anyone know the progress of this snap?
+1 for Veracrypt
+1 for Filezilla


I’m a fan of racing games and thre are 3 projects that have not a easy way to play it. This games are:
-Speed Dreams: You can only play the last version of this game compiling it:
-Vdrift: The same problem as with Speed Dreams. In addition the tracks and cars (vdrift-data) are in a separate repository and have to be added by hand…a single snap pack with all the material would make me tremendously happy.
-Racer: This is a free but not open source project. Many years ago there was a version for Linux ( V0.5.4 ), but it is very old. The most modern version (v0.9.0 RC10) has no linux support, but it is perfectly playable with Wine. Cars and Tracks must be downloaded separately. a Winepacked Snap (like Trackmania Nations Forever) with the possibility of add cars and tracks easily (/home) must be perfect.

I can’t see it in the store, @lucyllewy?

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Green With Envy

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MakeMKV is in the store in the edge channel. However, the confinement is set to devmode and grade is set to devel. These settings will cause snapd to not automatically update the snap. I have not managed to get strict confinement supported yet.


I’ve got makemkv actually starting in strict confinement now, but it doesn’t see any devices (Bluray or DVD drives)

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Pi Hole - there is a partially finished snap in progress here:


A matrix client, like Nheko & Riot

Hi snapcrafters,

I’m happy to package the Anki as snap from my personal branch ( and already had a beginning with upstream (

I’ll publish the anki-woodrow on public and hopefully it can be useful for someone.

I’d love to see the package for hexyl:

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I wonder if we should make a table and make it wiki, and let everyone add their desired entries instead.

The thread has grown too long without control…?

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Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source modeling software. It helps you create a 3D watertight model in seconds. Use it to speed up your character modeling in game making, 3D printing, and so on.

GNOME Boxes can replace VirtualBox (at least for basic work)
Someone is already working on it but its incomplete

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Nice to hear about the progress! :slight_smile:

gphoto2 command line client

Edit: I completed this one.

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Code::Blocks IDE (available on flathub) Colobot (available on flathub) Numpty Physics (available on flathub) :tada::tada::tada:

Wix toolset Wine snap!!! This would be very useful for generating Windows installers for cross platform software.

  • A gui app to define the network properties.
  • A gui app app to define wifi for a headless device, obviously for targetet devices such as the rpi.

Would make prototyping a real iot product with Ubuntu Core much more realistic.


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I’m surprised Shotwell isn’t in the Snapstore yet, since it’s much more superior compared to Eye of GNOME.