Snap wishlist - suggestions wanted!

Thanks. I’ll look at this as well. Any chance I could talk you into Kwooty? It really has been a better solution for me from the Fedora repos. Honestly might be the only app holding me back from converting my machines to Ubuntu.

I’ll take a look at it

Awesome! Thanks man.

The build instructions don’t appear to have been updated for any Ubuntu version beyond 9.04 for Kwooty

Mail in a Box would be nice:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Feature request(reinst + postinst functionality; user account addition)

A great part of the gaming and snaps community will appreciate if you could make a version of snap version.
Thank you for your time and hard work.
P.S .This link is to help you with what dependencies you need

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VirtualBox requires KMS. I think that is out-of-scope for SNAP at this time.

The in-built Google integration for Drive is slow on a good day. It isn’t much of a sync. More of a shortcut and FUSE helper IMO.

as does qemu :wink:

(read: this shouldnt be a showstopper)


ARM builds for VS Code and Sublime Text!!

Also ripgrep

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@kevinjlausen the Scratch2 question was posed 18 weeks ago (second post down)

although its a bit nebulous ~ słońca.

Wine App Suggestion

This is available as the snap-store snap, check it out?

@admins, please consider pinning this post considering it’s usefulness, thanks!

This devtools might be handy:

validator/validator: The Nu Html Checker – Helps you catch unintended mistakes in your HTML, CSS, and SVG

both in daemon mode and local mode.

Odin as a winesnap


FreeFileSync :slight_smile:

mixxx Free and open source DJ software