Snap support for net-tools, nfs-common, qbittorrent, boinc

Can snap store please suppot the following packages. net-tools, nfs-common, qbittorrent, boinc

$ sudo snap install net-tools error: snap “net-tools” not found

$ sudo snap install nfs-common error: snap “nfs-common” not found

$ sudo snap install qbittorrent error: snap “qbittorrent” not found

$ sudo snap install boinc error: snap “boinc” not found

Have more how for example tlp systemd profiles tor browser nano (updated) and more

snap find qbittorrent
Name                   Version        Publisher   Notes  Summary
qbittorrent-arnatious  release-4.3.9  arnatious   -      A free and lightweight torrent client

snap find net-tools
Name            Version     Publisher       Notes  Summary
net-tools-snap  2.10-alpha  drcoccodrillus  -      The collection of base networking utilities for Linux

qbittorrent was pretty old compared to the one in Noble

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