Snap-store not starting... AGAIN!

Every now and then snap-store simply refuses to start. Don’t know why and no reason is given nor any errors. Clicking on the store icon does nothing (only “spinning” cursor is shown for few seconds) and running snap-store in the terminal gives the result:

10:53:33:0668 Gtk Not loading module "atk-bridge": The functionality is provided by GTK natively. Please try to not load it.
10:53:33:0670 Gtk cannot open display: :1

and produces this in /var/log/syslog:

systemd[149991]: Started snap.snap-store.snap-store-580b8f74-bc62-4d63-b39b-8b385ca2bfb3.scope.

My language is italian so, as read on this forum, I changed it to English but snap-store still refuse to start.

Replaced it with the edge version with the command sudo snap refresh --edge snap-store but still no luck (tried with english and italian language).

snap version command result:

snap    2.63+22.04ubuntu0.1
snapd   2.63+22.04ubuntu0.1
series  16
ubuntu  22.04
kernel  6.1.0-1004-oem

content of /etc/lsb-release:


Result of snap connections snap-store:

Interfaccia               Spina                                     Slot                            Note
appstream-metadata        snap-store:appstream-metadata             :appstream-metadata             -
content[gnome-42-2204]    snap-store:gnome-42-2204                  gnome-42-2204:gnome-42-2204     -
content[gtk-3-themes]     snap-store:gtk-3-themes                   gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  -
content[icon-themes]      snap-store:icon-themes                    gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   -
content[sound-themes]     snap-store:sound-themes                   gtk-common-themes:sound-themes  -
dbus                      -                                         snap-store:packagekit-svc       -
dbus                      -                                         snap-store:snap-store           -
desktop                   snap-store:desktop                        :desktop                        -
desktop-legacy            snap-store:desktop-legacy                 :desktop-legacy                 -
fwupd                     snap-store:fwupd                          :fwupd                          -
gsettings                 snap-store:gsettings                      :gsettings                      -
network                   snap-store:network                        :network                        -
network-manager           snap-store:network-manager                -                               -
network-status            snap-store:network-status                 :network-status                 -
opengl                    snap-store:opengl                         :opengl                         -
packagekit-control        snap-store:packagekit-control             :packagekit-control             -
password-manager-service  snap-store:password-manager-service       :password-manager-service       -
personal-files            snap-store:dot-snap-auth-json             -                               -
snapd-control             snap-store:snapd-control                  :snapd-control                  -
system-files              snap-store:hostfs-usr-share-applications  :system-files                   -
system-observe            snap-store:system-observe                 :system-observe                 -
upower-observe            snap-store:upower-observe                 :upower-observe                 -
wayland                   snap-store:wayland                        :wayland                        -
x11                       snap-store:x11                            :x11                            -

Could someone kindly poing me in the direction of a definitive solution? Thankyou very much!

Try running

sudo journalctl -f | grep -i snap-store

Then start up snap-store

This is likely the log entry that is related to the problem, not sure why, though.

Thank you @YamiYukiSenpai for your reply. The output of

sudo journalctl -f | grep -i snap-store

is exactly the same row seen in /var/log/syslog

Thank you @Lin-Buo-Ren for your reply. I think that snap-store doesn’t starts because is unable to open display but there is nothing that let me understand why! :sob:

It did tell you what’s the symptom, it just that you(and likely, me as well) don’t know how to troubleshoot it further.

This means that the application tried to access the :1 X11 display, but failed. This may be caused by:

  • You launched the application as a wrong user(e.g. root), which unable to access the X11 display owned by you
  • Your X11 authentication files are corrupted or inaccessible by the snap.

You may try to reproduce this issue after running the following command in a text terminal:

xhost +

which disables the authentication and allows any host to connect to the X11 display server. Note that this is merely a workaround rather than a proper solution and may have security considerations.

Thank you @Lin-Buo-Ren for your help.

it just that you(and likely, me as well) don’t know how to troubleshoot it further.

I’ve troubleshot it but the problem is that there is nothing that prevent this from working :sweat_smile: The user have all permissions to access it’s own display and other snaps works just fine. I also tried to unplug and re-plug the snap-store:x11 plug but didn’t work.

I suspect that this could be some problem with proprietary nVidia drivers (currently 545)

You aren’t doing any custom mounts, are you?

Nope, no custom mounts. Even stranger today it decided to run smoothly. Yesterday was not working. This problem is driving me crazy :crazy_face: