Snap Store not launching from GUI

On Ubuntu Unity 22.04, when I try to launch the Snap store, nothing shows up. According to the journal:

kernel: traps: snap-store[24238] trap int3 ip:7f5136b95c3f sp:7fffdfb44e60 error:0 in[7f5136b56000+8e000]

It does launch from the terminal, however:

$ snap-store
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (failed to map segment from shared object): ignored.
10:57:34:0295 Gtk Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
10:57:34:0330 dbind Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/1000/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied
10:57:34:0354 Gtk Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
10:57:34:0362 Gtk Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
10:57:37:0059 Gs  plugin appstream took 1.8 seconds to do setup
10:57:37:0062 Gs  enabled plugins: desktop-categories, fwupd, os-release, packagekit, packagekit-local, packagekit-offline, packagekit-proxy, packagekit-refine-repos, packagekit-refresh, packagekit-upgrade, packagekit-url-to-app, appstream, desktop-menu-path, hardcoded-blocklist, hardcoded-popular, modalias, odrs, packagekit-refine, rewrite-resource, packagekit-history, provenance, snap, systemd-updates, generic-updates, provenance-license, icons, key-colors, key-colors-metadata
10:57:37:0062 Gs  disabled plugins: dpkg, dummy, fedora-langpacks, fedora-pkgdb-collections, repos
10:57:37:0347 Gs  /etc/PackageKit/Vendor.conf file not found
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Builder.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Calculator.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.clocks.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Dictionary.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Documents.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Evince/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.gedit.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Maps.desktop/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0272 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Weather/* to plugin cache
10:57:41:0974 Gs  hiding category productivity featured applications: found only 0 to show, need at least 9
10:57:41:0988 Gs  hiding category games featured applications: found only 0 to show, need at least 9
10:57:44:0488 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
10:57:44:0488 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
10:57:44:0488 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
10:57:44:0488 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
10:57:44:0552 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/package/*/generic/org.a11y.brltty/* from generic to unknown!
10:57:44:0609 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/package/*/generic/io.github.feralinteractive.gamemode/* from generic to unknown!
10:57:44:0654 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/package/*/generic/org.gphoto.libgphoto2/* from generic to unknown!
10:57:45:0281 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/snap/*/runtime/io.snapcraft.core20-DLqre5XGLbDqg9jPtiAhRRjDuPVa5X1q/latest/stable from runtime to unknown!
10:57:46:0862 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/snap/*/runtime/io.snapcraft.bare-EISPgh06mRh1vordZY9OZ34QHdd7OrdR/latest/stable from runtime to unknown!

Can you file a bug at ?

iā€™d assume that LD_PRELOAD hackery on this desktop replaces some glib functions which then makes glib from the extension fail ?


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I believe it just disables client-side decorations

well, using LD_PRELOAD means you are replacing a function in a binary library with something (even if that something is just a no-op like with CSD) ā€¦ in a snap environment the LD_PRELOAD path is not visible/accessible ā€¦

if the outside world code is mangled enough that it actually requires some info from the app side that it can only get through the pre-loaded lib function, you might be in trouble because the snap will not be able to use the pre-loading nor return whatever the overriden function would provide to the desktop ā€¦

so yes, most of the time pre-loading is harmless but if it is deeper integrated and adds expectations it might be not anymore ā€¦

have you tried launching the store with LD_PRELOAD unset just to rule out this possibility ?