July 9, 2019, 10:53pm
I’m new to Lunix and would like getting help to solve a problem with the snap-store.
Texts are not being displayed …
$ snap version
snap 2.39.3-3
snapd 2.39.3-3
series 16
manjaro -
kernel 4.19.56-1-MANJARO
$ snap info core
name: core
summary: snapd runtime environment
publisher: Canonical✓
contact: snaps@canonical.com
license: unset
description: |
The core runtime environment for snapd
type: core
snap-id: 99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776
tracking: stable
refresh-date: today at 18:39 -03
stable: 16-2.39.3 2019-06-27 (7270) 92MB -
candidate: 16-2.39.3 2019-06-25 (7270) 92MB -
beta: 16-2.40~pre1 2019-07-02 (7343) 92MB -
edge: 16-2.40~pre1+git1391.d09d311 2019-07-09 (7371) 92MB -
installed: 16-2.39.3 (7270) 92MB core
I researched here in the forum, but I did not find a related topic.
Thanks in advance for the help!
It looks like your system is missing a font. What localization are you using? Is it English, or something else?
July 9, 2019, 11:26pm
my system is configured to pt-BR
It “sounds like” you are missing the language pack for that local. I am not familiar with Manjaro, so I am not entirely sure how to fix that specific issue. For example, there was an article for adding support to Ubuntu.
Every cloud that you use outside Brazil, does not come with pt-br support installed.When you access your server via SSH, almost every command that you run on terminal,will generate a warn that your la
What I would do is check in with the Manjaro forums and see how to add pt-BR support. My gut feeling is that this is not a snap specific issue.
July 10, 2019, 12:03am
I looked up the subject you suggested and found a page with information on how to properly set the display language.
But that still was not enough to solve the problem.
I’ll continue to use snap through the command line …
Anyway, thank you for all your help @bashfulrobot !!
Is this the snap-store
July 10, 2019, 11:15am
Yes. I have installed It by command
$ sudo snap install snap-store
Tagging @kenvandine and @robert.ancell so they are aware of this issue.
Sorry I was not more help! I see a few additional responses here; so you are likely in good hands!
1 Like
@wrcall I asked @popey to try the snap-store on Manjaro and he said it looked fine for him. Can you please try some other snaps to see if you see something similar? Perhaps try the gnome-calculator snap and report if you see a similar issue.
October 16, 2019, 7:21am
Hi @wrcall , have you solved this problem then? I have the same problem on arch linux.
October 17, 2019, 12:31pm
I think the problem is related to apparmor… @mborzecki , any idea?
The snaps I install with --classic can access fonts…
I posted some information I collected while debugging this problem in this topic:
The conclusions were that not all snaps are affected, but those that used gnome runtime content snap appeared to be.
October 17, 2019, 12:41pm
Thank you @mborzecki …will follow the topic. Hope it get solved soon.
The issue was solved in Manjaro forum:
It seems like the issue is related to fontconfig update.
The forum no longer is there, so is there a way to have the solution set here please?
August 31, 2020, 12:02am
any info on how to solve this issue? im new to all of this
September 11, 2020, 7:11pm
Try giving these commands and running your app:
$ sudo rm -f /var/cache/fontconfig/*
$ rm -f ~/.cache/fontconfig/*
It worked for me to get past an error while trying to run CloudCompare
I am using Fedora 32.
I had the same issue and those commands solved the problem. Thank you.
1 Like
July 26, 2021, 12:11am
Same issue but with all snap apps. I use ubuntu 20.04 LTS and create ~/.fonts with two custom fonts but the apps can not show the letters. Why snap apps can not load arial or default fonts if my fonts are “lato” and “Roboto mono”?