Snap Store doesn't support new desktop-file-ids

Snapd from 2.65 release implemented a new attribute for desktop plug which allows to specify the desktop-file ids for a snap. But, I just created a snap and pushed and snap store is denying it.

Error found while validating snap.json::$.plugs.desktop: Additional properties are not allowed ('desktop-file-ids' was unexpected) lint-snap-v2_snap_schema 

Please fix this. I already created a patch for snapcraft to work with this.

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I believe this is the following bug in review-tools: Bug #2081240 “review-tools fails to validate desktop file names” : Bugs : review-tools

As a note, the docs say it requires snapd 2.66, not 2.65. (I don’t know which is correct, just pointing out the inconsistency since if it does work in 2.65 we should update the docs to that effect)

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Sorry, I might have missed it.