Snap store does not show flatpak apps

Snapstore does show flatpack apps kindly fix this issue asap

The snap store can not show flatpak apps, it has no access to any such info on the system nor can it manage any flatpak on the server side, it only shows whatever is in and if run on Ubuntu it can talk to apt … feel free to inspect the source code to verify …

But if it can be done it will be extremely helpful…if we could add flatpak repos

well, you can always install something like warehouse if you want to manage flatpaks via GUI …

I highly doubt the default Ubuntu app management tool that snap-store is today will ever get flatpak support included as that would mean Ubuntu would have to support flatpaks in general, which it does not …

fyi, KDE’s Discover app-store has backends for both flatpak and snap (among others), so it could be a good option


Discover is the KDE Plasma store, the equivalent store is Gnome Software, which is capable of showing native, Flatpak and Snap programs.