HI there! I’m new at creating snaps and I have a ROS noetic project which contains a mobile robot that can slam and navigate. I found this guide https://ubuntu.com/robotics/docs/ros-deployment-with-snaps-part-2 for packaging complex robotics software with snaps, but it doesn´t embed the simulation into the snap " The Native setup will need Ubuntu 20.04. This is because we will need the TurtleBot3 simulation to run. We don’t intend to embed the simulation into our snap". Is there any possibility to snap not only what this guide does, any snap my whole ROS noetic project? Could someone provide me with any example or steps? I would love to run my simulation with snap.
For now I’ve been trying to create it myself, but I’m stuck because when I launch the snap, it always shows this error: RLException: [empty_world.launch] is neither a launch file in package [robot_gazebo] nor is [robot_gazebo] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file In ROS projects it usually means that I’ve to make catkin_make or the source of my project is not set up (source devel/setup.bash), but I don’t know how to do this with snap.
Thank u so much for the help!