Snap points me to a package that, in fact, doesn't exist. What's going on, is this a bug?

So, I just did the following and it makes absolutely no sense to me. (Please ignore my custom $PS1).

Let’s try to install Vs Code, and commit the noob mistake of using a wrong package name - the correct is code - and follow through snapd’s suggestions:

(base) nagyg -> snap install vscode                                                                                     
error: snap "vscode" is not available on stable but is available to install on the following                            
       candidate  snap install --candidate vscode                                                                       
       beta       snap install --beta vscode                                                                            
       edge       snap install --edge vscode                                                                            
       Please be mindful pre-release channels may include features not completely tested or                             
       implemented. Get more information with 'snap info vscode'.                                                       

(base) nagyg -> snap install --beta vscode                                                                              
error: snap "vscode" is not available on beta but is available to install on the following                              
       edge       snap install --edge vscode                                                                            
       Get more information with 'snap info vscode'.                                                                    
(base) nagyg -> snap install --edge vscode                                                                          
error: snap "vscode" is not available on latest/edge but other tracks exist.                                            
       Please be mindful that different tracks may include different features. Get more information                     
       with 'snap info vscode'.                                                                                         
(base) nagyg -> snap info vscode                                                                                        
error: no snap found for "vscode"    


The package vscode does not exist. I get this. But why does Snap make false statements, and points me to a nonexisting package on development channels? Normally, for a nonexisting package, I would get a simple error: snap "njngi" not found.

What is going on here? Is this a bug, or an intended behaviour I’m too vanilla to understand?

This is a bug specific to vscode for some reason, I don’t see the same behavior for any other not-existing snap:

$ snap install foofoofoofoofoofoo
error: snap "foofoofoofoofoofoo" not found

I suspect it has something to do with the fact that vscode at one point was a published snap and now it is not published on any channel and is unlisted, etc.

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Sorry it seems I forgot to mention this, but if it’s not too much trouble could you report this as a bug against snapd on launchpad @ ? Thank you

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I submitted a bug report:

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