Hello, I just installed the snap NextCloud desktop client on Ubuntu 22.04.
It can’t write the log file due to an apparmor Deny.
I desperately need help because I can’t synchronize my files.
What exactly would this do and how would it solve my problem ? I don’t want to stop upgrades of the client. This is what I found confusing in you message.
Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, NextCloud is a service that synchronize files between a client and a server. It is this synchronization that fails with the error. I had to pause it so that I don’t get an error dialog every 40 seconds.
instead of silently upgrading in the background, it will hold the update (for up to 60 days where it will then enforce it) and show you a desktop notification to instead stop the client and manually do a snap refresh, that prevents desktop apps from being upgraded while they are running…
during upgrade your writable directories change to the new ones matching the the new version … the old ones become unwritable at this moment which likely causes your error …