Snap installation of ddclient-snap failure

Using Linux Mint 20.0, ddclient-snap is installed, but the OS does not recognize it. These are my snap installed apps, but I have no clue how to set up and activate ddclient-snap. Any direction is greatly appreciated.

Name                    Version          Rev   Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core18                  20200724         1885  latest/stable  canonical✓  base
core20                  20               634   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
ddclient-snap           v3.9.1           2     latest/stable  joachimmg   -
gtk-common-themes       0.1-36-gc75f853  1506  latest/stable  canonical✓  -
irfanview               4.54             26    latest/stable  mmtrt       -
notepad-plus-plus       7.8.9            238   latest/stable  mmtrt       -
snapd                  8790  latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd
wine-platform-3-stable  3.0.4            6     latest/stable  mmtrt       -
wine-platform-5-stable  5.0.2            10    latest/stable  mmtrt       -
wine-platform-runtime   v1.0             145   latest/stable  mmtrt       -

i guess you should file an issue at

Many thanks, it was was helpful. I did contact the developer and he helped me resolve it.

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