Snap installation hangs at "Waiting for automatic snapd restart..."

During installing firefox snap in a Vagrant VM the installation hanged:

Done    today at 17:01 UTC  today at 17:01 UTC  Run health check of "bare" snap

Make snap "snapd" (21759) available to the system

2024-10-24T17:01:08Z INFO Requested daemon restart (snapd snap).

Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap "snapd"

2024-10-24T17:01:08Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
2024-10-24T17:01:08Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...

Anyone know where to troubleshoot this issue?

Workaround seems to be stopping the snapd system service:

sudo systemctl stop snapd

Here’s the Vagrantfile that should reproduce this issue:

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It seems that the operation will still eventually finish, but it takes more than 3 minutes on my laptop and it feels like forever.

Checking the opening files of the snapd process revealed that snapd is busy downloading the dependency packages during the time:

So it isn’t related to that log entry and the process isn’t really hanging, maybe the presentation can somewhat improved to reflect what snapd is busy doing?

It appears to be a packaging bug of the Firefox snap causing this issue.