Snap has installed both core20 and core24


I installed Snapd on my Centos 9 stream 1 year ago. Now, I see that snap has installed both core20 and core24. Check the screenshot.

When I try to install snap on new system, it installs core24 only.

My question is, can I remove core20 from my system to save disk space?


The core snaps are actually the base of the sandbox a snap runs in, an application snap declares which base it is built against and snapd will make sure the related base gets installed alongside with the app…

The snapd snap itself always uses the latest base (core24 currently)

You seem to have certbot installed, my guess would be that certbot uses/requires the core20 base (you can check with snap info --verbose certbot) … if this is not the case, you can indeed safely remove the core20 snap

@ogra Thanks for your reply. When I run the command, ‘snap info --verbose certbot’, I am getting this output.

Can I remove core20 now? btw, what is the command/how to remove core20 package?


What happens when you:

snap remove core20 --purge

By the way, we prefer large gobs of text to be pasted inside three backticks, rather than a screenshot or photo, thanks :pray:

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