Snap Cleanup tool written using KDialog and Bash

:warning: Please use the tool with caution, as it’s still under development. In my testing, it worked properly, but I might have missed something. Please report any bug found while testing.

While exams, I got bored, so, I created a tool, that allows to cleanup the datas of uninstalled snaps, remove old revisions of snaps via simple GUI prompts. Check this out.

To install the script, run

System Wide Installation

sudo make install

Per user installation

make install

Please ignore the README for now. I wrote it using AI, as I didn’t have much time back then, but I do now.

Any feedback would be awesome!

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I use this little tool:


clean_revision() {
    LC_ALL=C snap list --all | tail -n+2 | awk '/[, ]disabled/ {print $1, $3}' | while read -r line; do
            set -e
            echo "$line" | (
                read -r name revision
                test -n "$name"
                test -n "$revision"
                sudo snap remove "$name" --revision "$revision"

clean_unused() {
    LC_ALL=C snap list | tail -n+2 | awk '{print $1}' | while read -r snap_name; do
            set -e

            case "$snap_name" in
                    # TODO deal with unused base snaps
                    exit 0

            conns="$(snap connections "$snap_name" | tail -n+2)"
            # for content snap which is unused, conenctions is a single line
            # an look like this:
            # content    -     gnome-3-28-1804:gnome-3-28-1804  -
            if [ "$(echo "$conns" | wc -l)" != "1" ]; then
                # snap has other slots/plugs
                exit 0
            if echo "$conns" | grep -Eq "content +- +$snap_name:.*"; then
                sudo snap remove "$snap_name"

case "$1" in
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Yeah… similar, but I tried to make it a bit more informative, and user friendly.