What are you using SMonitor for?
(different from the standard installation)
You might be able to make other people happy
by sharing your configuration entries here:
What are you using SMonitor for?
(different from the standard installation)
You might be able to make other people happy
by sharing your configuration entries here:
Sometimes a simple ping is insufficient
Name=ping lima-city
Command=ping -c 1 -W 2 smolka.lima-city.de
Notifier=konsole --nofork --noclose -e ping -c 4 smolka.lima-city.de
because ‘ping’ is blocked, you want to know if the web server is responding, and to check if a specific file exists respectively. There are some alternatives like ‘curl’, ‘httping’ or ‘wget’. While the other ones often deliver an ‘OK’ (0) when expecting an error code, I experienced that wget in spider mode works best for me.
Example 1: Checking if a web server is responding with wget --spider
Name=abap developer
Command=wget --spider --force-html -i https://smolka.lima-city.de/index.php
Notifier=konsole --nofork --noclose -e wget --spider --force-html -i https://smolka.lima-city.de/index.php
Will be continued…
So long,
Call for testing: SMonitor
Who is interested in doing some (pre)testing of the latest SMonitor?
Please register at: https://smolka.lima-city.de/register.php
First come, first served.
Primer venido, primer servido.
Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.
++++ Edith +++++
New form to register as tester:
Remember: There are some options like ‘curl’, ‘httping’ or ‘wget’. While the former ones often deliver an okay code (0) when expecting an error code (1+); wget [–spider] works best for me.
Example 2: Monitor, view, and activate a log file with wget
Name=abap developer log
Command=wget --spider --force-html -i https://smolka.lima-city.de/mylog.flg
Notifier=konsole --nofork --noclose -e wget -O - https://smolka.lima-city.de/mylog.html
Name=read abap dev log
Command=xdg-open https://smolka.lima-city.de/mylog.html
Name=reset abap dev log
Command=xdg-open https://smolka.lima-city.de/mylog-reset.php
I am still hoping to get some interesting use cases from you …
Cheers! Juergen
First of all: The above mentioned test phase is over. The download is now open to all users who already want to use the advanced features.
Before you use two or more SMonitors, you might want to think about a main SMonitor as a control center. From this central app the different SMonitors for a wide range of applications could then be started at the touch of a button, as indicated in the following image.
So much for getting started with the parallel use of multiple SMonitor applications. In the next post I will present the use of CSS at the SMonitor.
Cascading SMonitor Systems (CSS)
Starting from the first SMonitor window of a stand-alone app or from a Control Center you can drill down to more detailed levels.
Behind the buttons in the picture “L-A-N-2” can stand simple functions, but of course also further stages in the SMontiors cascade can appear.