i am very sorry if this question is dublicated, if it is, than inform me about it.
(First of: I am very new to snaps)
I have a already compiled jar, from which i want to create a snap which bundles the jre.
I rode the basic docs and ended with this configuration:
name: SkIde
version: '0.0.5'
summary: IDE for Skript
description: to lazy to do than now
confinement: devmode
command: java -jar $SNAP/SkIde.jar
source: /home/liz3/tc_out/
plugin: jdk
(The absolute Jar file path is /home/liz3/tc_out/SkIde.jar)
My problem is now that when i install the generated snap and try to run it, it says: java not found.
Now my question is, how do i need to invoke java, that it will use the bundled jre?
Can someone provide me a example configuration.
Note: i cannot use the gradle or maven plugins because i need to build the jar before generating the snap.
Hi @ogra, I’m very new to snapcraft. I’ve read your code again and again and I could not succeed to make the java runtime available in the snap.
I really feel stuck now