Should we have category "casual" for daily chatter?

Telegram was used for sharing many work related messages but also for a good amount of daily trivia and social interactions. With the absence of telegram and limited media interactivity on IRC shall we create a social category where any topics not strictly related to snaps (so this is not like “other”) could be kept? We need a place for @gif images after all :slight_smile:

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Posts there won’t go to the front page.

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Thanks! I think something is wrong though. I cannot create new posts in that category. It doesn’t show up in the pop up window

works if you create a new topic … cafe is in the pulldown

I just tried it and … no, I don’t see it. Any ideas?

do you see at least ?
(i posted that before writing the above)

Yes, I saw it which makes me double-plus-confused. I suspect it’s some kind of ACL that’s in the way.

I couldn’t see it either until I reloaded the page in the browser… perhaps that’s it?

I still think telegram is fine for random chat and photos :slight_smile: