Should a client snap support multiple bases?

I successfully tested migrating the freeorion app to core22 some weeks ago and I guess the necessary infrastructure (snapcraft 7.1.1) got deployed to the remote build service.

So I am asking myself - should I actually publish the core22 version? I do not want to be the one who forces a whole core/gnome download to the clients without any gain for them. If I was releasing a major update (so publish to a new channel) I would not mind much, but the updates are minor updates.

In a perfect world I imagine I would provide multiple snaps for the same software revision based on multiple cores and the client would use the snap for the newest installed core.

I could of course provide different channels per each core so the user could choose and switch to the right core. But I can not expect a user to know actually what a base is and all the related complexity.

So I guess I am asking if snapcraft should one day support such dependency management of bases. Or if it is bad practice to provide a channel per base. Was this already discussed somewhere?

If this is the wrong place to ask, please send me to the right one. Thanks