I was trying to push an update for my snap seafile-gui today, and in some preliminary testing, it seems that when testing it so far on a ubuntu machine, all empty user dirs (such as ~/Downloads) are broken and turned into symlinks of themselves. This doesn’t seem to effect ones that have any contents, though.
And in my testing, both the snap that they identified as the issue (Okular snap) seems to have the env var for $HOME set to $SNAP_REAL_HOME presumably to fix the app not starting in the right directory. I also used this for my seafile app so it defaults to creating the library in your home directory.
This is just some quick observations though, I might be wrong. It was previously fine with the last revision of core22, built a few months ago, and now after I updated it (by just changing the version of seafile built from git) with no other changes it does break the links. I am guessing it’s some sort of permissions issue on initialization when the home is set to that.
I just must ask, seeing as the change is for KDE Neon extension for Qt6 / KF6, will the Okular snap switch to that version of KF content snap, and will the Qt5 / KF5 version become obsolete.
The problem wasn’t to severe, because it only damaged empty directories. If there was even a single file in the directory it remained untouched.
I had two user-dirs, which I don’t use Templates and Publicshare. Theye were damaged by previous version of Okular snap, so to test the new one, I recreated those two directories.
I refreshed Okular to the candidate channel. Then I started it and checked that those two directories are fine. I also looked at the user-dirs.dirs config file and it is all good.