Seccomp error calling snap from another (classic) snap on core candidate

With the candidate channel of the core snap (rev 3357), classic snaps that call other snaps (juju calling juju-wait and vice-versa, conjure-up calling lxd, etc) are failing with: cannot apply seccomp profile: Invalid argument

Is this expected due to a security profile change, or is this a bug?

Full test:

[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ which lxc
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ lxc version
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ snap info core
name:      core
summary:   snapd runtime environment
publisher: canonical
description: |
  The core runtime environment for snapd
type:        core
snap-id:     99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776
tracking:    stable
installed:   16-2.28.5 (3247) 87MB core
refreshed:   2017-10-16 08:49:58 -0400 EDT
  stable:    16-2.28.5 (3247) 87MB -
  candidate: 16-2.29   (3357) 87MB -
  beta:      16-2.29.2 (3396) 87MB -
  edge:      16-2.29.2 (3417) 87MB -
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ snap run --shell juju-wait
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ which lxc
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ lxc version
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ exit
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- 5s $ snap switch --channel=candidate core && snap refresh core
"core" switched to the "candidate" channel
core (candidate) 16-2.29 from 'canonical' refreshed
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- 6s 1 $ snap info core
name:      core
summary:   snapd runtime environment
publisher: canonical
description: |
  The core runtime environment for snapd
type:        core
snap-id:     99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776
tracking:    candidate
installed:   16-2.29 (3357) 87MB core
refreshed:   2017-10-30 14:50:43 -0400 EDT
  stable:    16-2.28.5 (3247) 87MB -
  candidate: 16-2.29   (3357) 87MB -
  beta:      16-2.29.2 (3396) 87MB -
  edge:      16-2.29.2 (3417) 87MB -

[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- 11s $ snap run --shell juju-wait
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ which lxc
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- $ lxc version
cannot apply seccomp profile: Invalid argument
[johnsca@murdoch:~] -:- 1 $ exit

Thanks for your problem report. I just tried to reproduce it on my 2.29.2 system but things work for me:

$ which lxc
$ lxc version
$ snap info core|grep installed
installed:   16-2.29.2 (3396) 87MB core
$ snap run --shell juju-wait
$ which lxc
$ lxc version

However this was while already on a 2.29.2 system. I will try to refresh from stable to candidate now.

I just tried it again, doing:

$ sudo dpkg --purge snapd
$  sudo apt install snapd
$ sudo snap install lxd
lxd 2.19 from 'canonical' installed
$ sudo snap install juju-wait --classic
$ which lxc
$ lxc version
$ snap info core|grep installed
installed:   16-2.28.5 (3247) 87MB core
$ snap run --shell juju-wait
$ which lxc
$ lxc version
$ exit
$ sudo snap refresh --channel=candidate core
2017-11-08T09:54:20+01:00 INFO Waiting for restart...
core (candidate) 16-2.29.2 from 'canonical' refreshed
$ which lxc
$ lxc version
$ snap info core|grep installed
installed:   16-2.29.2 (3396) 87MB core
$ snap run --shell juju-wait
$ which lxc
$  lxc version

with the same outcome, i.e. I failed to reproduce this. However I noticed that we have 2.29.2 in the candidate channel now, so it might be worth re-checking if the bug goes away if you refresh to that revision.

The bug is still present with the latest revision of the core snap, but I can’t reproduce it either on my Ubuntu 17.10.

Might this be something 14.04/16.04-specific?

Yep, just tested it on a 14.04 virtual machine, I can reproduce the issue.

osboxes@osboxes:~$ sudo snap refresh --channel=candidate core
[sudo] password for osboxes: 
core (candidate) 16-2.29.2 from 'canonical' refreshed
osboxes@osboxes:~$ snap info core|grep installed
installed:   16-2.29.2 (3396) 87MB core
osboxes@osboxes:~$ snap run --shell juju-wait
osboxes@osboxes:~$ which lxc
osboxes@osboxes:~$ lxc version
cannot apply seccomp profile: Invalid argument

Thanks, you are right, I can reproduce it on 16.04-64. Interestingly it only fails when run as a regular user inside the namespace. When I run “sudo lxc version” the command succeeds.

It turns out this is a combination of a re-exec bug and a new feature in snapd in 2.29.

When snap run juju-wait is called, then this sets the SNAP_DIDREXEC=1 environment. This means that inside the shell the “old” (what is installed from the deb) snap-confine is used to load the seccomp profile.However the profile for lxc is nowdas “@unrestricted” which is not a valid bpf file. But the “new” snap-confine (from the core snap) understands it (but not the old).

So two ways to fix this:
a) unset SNAP_DID_REEXEC after checking that var
b) change the .bin file to not use @unrestricted but instead use a flag file (i.e. rework the mechanism)

Thanks again for raising this and for the excellent instructions how to reproduce it! This is understood now and the following PR will fix it: - this of course means we need a 2.29.3 release with this fix.


Just checking in to confirm that 2.29.3 (beta, snap 3440) seems to have fixed this. Thanks!


Thanks for testing and confirming the fix!