Run-checks fails in master


Recently I’d cloned snapd repo on Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64. I’d read and ran ./run-checks command. Unfortunately it failed. I fixed some code formatting but there are several test failures related to dates like this:

FAIL: cmd_info_test.go:1100: infoSuite.TestInfoParllelInstance

    // make sure local and remote info is combined in the output
    c.Check(s.Stdout(), check.Equals, `name:      hello_foo
    summary:   The GNU Hello snap
    publisher: Canonical*
    license:   unset
    description: |
      GNU hello prints a friendly greeting. This is part of the snapcraft tour at
    snap-id:      mVyGrEwiqSi5PugCwyH7WgpoQLemtTd6
    tracking:     beta
    refresh-date: 2006-01-02
      1/stable:    2.10 2018-12-18   (1) 65kB -
      1/candidate: ^                          
      1/beta:      ^                          
      1/edge:      ^                          
    installed:     2.10            (100)  1kB disabled
... obtained string = "" +
...     "name:      hello_foo\n" +
...     "summary:   The GNU Hello snap\n" +
...     "publisher: Canonical*\n" +
...     "store-url:\n" +
...     "license:   unset\n" +
...     "description: |\n" +
...     "  GNU hello prints a friendly greeting. This is part of the snapcraft tour at\n" +
...     "\n" +
...     "snap-id:      mVyGrEwiqSi5PugCwyH7WgpoQLemtTd6\n" +
...     "tracking:     beta\n" +
...     "refresh-date: 2006-01-03\n" +
...     "channels:\n" +
...     "  1/stable:    2.10 2018-12-18   (1) 65kB -\n" +
...     "  1/candidate: ^                          \n" +
...     "  1/beta:      ^                          \n" +
...     "  1/edge:      ^                          \n" +
...     "installed:     2.10            (100)  1kB disabled\n"
... expected string = "" +
...     "name:      hello_foo\n" +
...     "summary:   The GNU Hello snap\n" +
...     "publisher: Canonical*\n" +
...     "store-url:\n" +
...     "license:   unset\n" +
...     "description: |\n" +
...     "  GNU hello prints a friendly greeting. This is part of the snapcraft tour at\n" +
...     "\n" +
...     "snap-id:      mVyGrEwiqSi5PugCwyH7WgpoQLemtTd6\n" +
...     "tracking:     beta\n" +
...     "refresh-date: 2006-01-02\n" +
...     "channels:\n" +
...     "  1/stable:    2.10 2018-12-18   (1) 65kB -\n" +
...     "  1/candidate: ^                          \n" +
...     "  1/beta:      ^                          \n" +
...     "  1/edge:      ^                          \n" +
...     "installed:     2.10            (100)  1kB disabled\n"
... String difference:
...     [10]: "refresh-date: 2006-01-03" != "refresh-date: 2006-01-02"

Is it OK or I’m doing something wrong?

$ go version
go version go1.15.4 linux/amd64

With latest go1.16.3 I have the same error.

Try running the tests with TZ=UTC set. The tests in question appear to have some unwanted dependence on time zone settings.

Thanks! Now tests pass.