Rufus To install Windows 10

Is it possible for you to pack the rufus by winesnap?

Unlikely as it uses low-level Windows features to do the work.

For now please use WoeUSB.

Disclaimer: I’m the maintainer of the WoeUSB project.

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I don’t see any woeusb graphical interface
It would be nice to package the graphic woeusb or not in snap format

The graphical interface is no longer supported, sorry.

Rufus installs Windows 10. The general principle is to make an installation disk by burning the Windows iso, and then make it install a new Windows 10.

I don’t think it’s possible to pack Rufus using WineSnap since Rufus relies on some low-level Windows features.

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I ended up using WoeUSB to create a Windows installation USB. The graphical interface isn’t supported anymore, but the command-line version works well for making installation disks from Windows ISO files.


UEFI doesn’t require special provisioning on a USB stick, if your motherboard is modern enough to be able to read NTFS ( the standard only dictates FAT32 ), then you can just extract the files directly onto the USB without issue.

Literally, I just mount the .ISO and drag the files over to the USB graphically.

The vast majority of recent machines will likely support this because Windows itself is so big now that it cannot fit on FAT32 and the tools primarily assist with enabling a second stage bootloader that can read NTFS before dropping into the Windows PE environment for legacy machines. If your motherboard supports that natively, you don’t need to complicate the USB setup. Just place the raw files on the USB.

This applies to a lot of Linux installers too, which often do better because they tend to fit in the FAT32 limit, making them explicitly supported for this kind of use case.