Rob-cos-grafana-agent system-files interfaces

Hello, I am creating a “fork” of the Grafana agent snap to have a more recent version, as well as manage a new mode for the agent, the flow mode.

Snap name: rob-cos-grafana-agent

Account name: Ubuntu Robotics Community

The current revision uploaded requires two manual reviews.

  • etc-grafana-agent, system-files:
    • Necessary to read /etc/grafana-agent.river configuration file from the host.
  • proc-sys-kernel-random, sytem-files:
    • Necessary to read /proc/sys/kernel/random/write_wakeup_threshold, /proc/sys/kernel/random/read_wakeup_threshold, /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize and /proc/sys/kernel/random/urandom_min_reseed_secs so the Grafana agent node-exporter can collect information about the CPU.

Thank you.

@review-team is there anything else I need to provide?

@reviewers Could you help us with this?


In general this seems reasonable but perhaps it would be worth collaborating with the existing publisher of the grafana-agent snap to add your changes there.

Also for consistency, should the etc-grafana-agent plug be named etc-grafana-agent-river?

Hello, I have already opened tickets on the official grafana-agent snap repository and got the confirmation that some won’t get done in the near future. I have added the features in my fork in a temporary way (only supporting my use case). This snap is meant to stay unlisted and is meant to be used in the context of a demo. Integrating my changes in the official repo might take months.

Does that make sens to change the etc-grafana-agent into etc-grafana-agent-river since the previous plug didn’t have the -yaml at the end while it was reading a YAML. river is simply the configuration file extension.

Given the nature of the snap and due to the delay in merging these changes into the official repo, +1 from me for connecting these system-files interfaces. what do other @reviewers think?

@RoboticsCommunity - just to confirm, is connect or auto-connect desired?

@cav Thank you for the review. I confirm that only manual connection is desired.

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This seems reasonable. +1 from me.

+2 votes for, 0 votes against, granting connect of the listed system-files interfaces to snap rob-cos-grafana-agent. This is now live.

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