Requests auto connections and manual review for TeleGuard Business

Hello there!

teleguard-business snap is solution for corporate clients based on teleguard-desktop messenger. It requires same auto-connections because business-features affects no basic technical routines.

There was a topic for teleguard-desktop. Required auto-connections and argumentation is the same:

  1. network-manager-observe to monitor connection status. Messenger need to know when connection lost and restored to reconnect with server. We’re using package connectivity_plus (from for this task and it requires network-manager. Otherwise package throws next exception
  2. audio-record for voice calls and (perspectively) sending voice messages. TeleGuard are using libwebrtc through flutter_webrtc (from pub-dev) plugin. If we have no audio-record connected, any microphone manipulation deadly freezes whole app with no exception thrown.
  3. camera for video calls. Unlike the previous requirement does not break app if absent. Just casts black screen. Therefore request for camera is optional.

Considering that those interfaces where already approved for teleguard-desktop and that their use still makes sense to me, +1 from me for granting teleguard-business auto-connection to network-manager-observe, audio-record and camera interfaces

+1 from me too for auto-connect of network-manager-observe, audio-record and camera.

Pinging @reviewers according to fast-tracking approval

+1 from me too - specifically metions that it is a messenger and makes voice calls, hence +1 for audio-record and network-manager-observe. However, the description does not mention video - can this please be updated, then +1 from me for camera too.

I set an updated description, thank you

+3 votes for, 0 votes against, fast tracking this request. Granting auto-connect of interface network-manager-observe, audio-record and camera to snap teleguard-business. This is now live.