Requesting classic confinement: goofys

Hi there, I’d like to request classic confinement for the goofys snap.

goofys is a high-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go. Its source is available here.

I am requesting classic for the snap because fuse-support is documented to only work for SNAP_(USER_)?(DATA|COMMON) per the available documentation for it, which wouldn’t make for a very useful tool specifically designed for creating FUSE filesystems elsewhere! I may be missing something, though - this is my first time making a Snap package, and my first time working with goofys too, so please be kind if I’m being stupid :slight_smile:

Thanks folks, appreciate your time!

At this stage this does not fall within one of the pre-existing categories for classic confinement - can you explain why goofys would not be usable if it only supported mounting at SNAP_(USER_)?(DATA|COMMON)?

@curtispf ping, can you please provide the requested information?

@curtispf ping, this request cannot proceed without the requested information.

@curtispf - since we’ve not heard back from you, we are removing this request from our review queue. When you have more time to respond, simply do so here and we can add the request back to the queue. Thanks