Since I am no longer maintaining the gtk-theme-orchis snap, this will soon be the default theme on Ubuntu Studio, Erich Eickmeyer (@Eickmeyer) would like to take over ownership.
I’m not at Canonical anymore so my email doesn’t exist anymore for me to transfer this, but I promise I’m the same Heather Ellsworth
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This is true, and I’ll vouch if I can.
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I guess I can prove this with a gpg key that has both canonical and thunderbird emails.
Can you please add the intended recipient (Erich) as a collaborator to the snap and
have them accept the invite they’ll receive by email? This allows us to verify
authorization and intent. Please let me know once this is done and I’ll
complete the transfer.
Thanks, Emma
No I can’t, because my account associated with this snap ownership does not exist anymore.
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I sure hope there’s a process for a situation like this where the owner no longer has ownership of an account. Otherwise there’s bound to be a ton of orphaned packages.
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I can use your message here as confirmation of intended receipt. @Eickmeyer, is the username associated with your account eeickmeyer
? Let me know if this is the account you’d like the snap transferred to.
Thanks for confirming, I’ve transferred the snap to you.