Request for personal-files interface for data-science-stack

Hi, would like to request personal-files interface for snap data-science-stack (repo here)

Data science stack will be connecting to microk8s on user’s computer. For this reason we need to access the user’s kubeconfig and cache it between dss calls.

Now I see my snap with error:

human review required due to 'allow-installation' constraint (bool) declaration-snap-v2_plugs_installation (dot-dss-config, personal-files)


Can we also request auto connect for this snap please.


+1 for auto-connecting dot-dss-config given your description and given the file belongs to dss

+1 also from me as $HOME/.dss/config seems to belong to data-science-stack snap

+1 from me as well, it’s essential for even basic functionality

+3 votes for, 0 votes against, fast-tracking auto-connection of requested personal-files interface to snap data-science-stack. Publisher is vetted. This is now live.