Request for new tracks for eProsima Vulcanexus

Hi community,

We would like to request the creation of new tracks, named humble and iron for the following packages:

  • vulcanexus-ddsrecordreplay
  • vulcanexus-fastddsspy

Information on the packages:

  1. Release cadence: The release of new tracks will be aligned with the major releases of ROS 2. This means that there will be a new Vulcanexus track for each Vulcanexus snap when a new version of ROS 2 is released, which takes place once a year around April-May.
  2. Commitment from upstream on maintenance of old versions: 2. We follow the same lifecycle than ROS 2, so when a ROS 2 distribution is end of life ours will be as well. We will follow this calendar (ROS 2 calendar): This means that we’re committed to support Vulcanexus Humble until May 2027 and Vulcanexus Iron until November 2024.
  3. Versions compatibility: 3. Backwards compatibility between tracks cannot be guaranteed, as ROS 2 doesn’t guarantee it. So even if the user data does not change and DDS is compatible, things like discovery, native headers, etc. that do break compatibility can change in ROS 2. That way, Vulcanexus will have the same backwards compatibility as ROS 2.

Do not hesitate to let us know if you need any further information or have any questions.

Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:

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The new tracks have successfully been created.

