Request for classic confinement: lxd-imagebuilder

Hi there,

The LXD team develops an image building tool called lxd-imagebuilder which we use to produce all our images:

This tool is based on an earlier tool called distrobuilder which was previously allowed to be classically confined.

Please see the original request here Request for classic confinement: distrobuilder

Please can the lxd-imagebuilder snap also be granted classic confinement as well.


Hi @tomp

I think it should be fine. Is there any remarkable change from the previous distrobuilder?


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No, we re-enabled LXD image support and added a small additional tool that is used to generate simplestreams index files for LXD image servers.

Do you know when this can be applied?


lxd-imagebuilder fits within the supported category of compilers - however, given the original list of requirements for distrobuilder in Request for classic confinement: distrobuilder I wonder if it might be possible to try and strictly confine lxd-imagebuilder in the future? @tomp could you please try and look into this in the future?

For now, the requirements for classic confinement are understood and I have vetted the publisher. This is now live.


I’ve logged this idea here too

@alexmurray @jslarraz can we get the snap owner changed to Canonical rather than myself?


Maybe @odysseus-k can help with that


As a general rule, snaps owned by the Canonical publisher account should have revisions in stable and have proper maintenance.

Looks like the lxd-imagebuilder snap currently does not have any stable releases. Let me know once there are releses on stable and I will happily complete the transfer.



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