Hey @anthonyfok,
Thanks for your post. I would suggest we keep your snap under strict confinement so you can enjoy all the benefits of a stable runtime environment and we help you to (hopefully) overcome the issues your snap users are experiencing. Please remember classic snaps are not installable on Ubuntu Core devices and also run in the global mount namespace, which means great care must be taken for the snap to work reliably across distributions (I see you have users running Manjaro).
Have you tried snappy-debug when troubleshooting issues? It could help you identify missing interfaces you could plug while keeping your snap strict. If you run into problems, post the snappy-debug output here along with your questions and we are happy to help.
Regarding your issues:
#1. Hugo/Go modules (see gohugoio/hugoDocs#1222 )
I am not very familiar with Go modules, let me do a bit of research and will back to you as soon as possible. Meanwhile, it seems the issue your users are reporting is “Error: we found a go.mod file in your project, but you need to install Go to use it”, can you please confirm?
I am assuming #2 could be fixed with an updated node.js as you stated.
#3. Limited to $HOME access (see gohugoio/hugo#3143)
Access to arbitrary files on the system is typically not a justification for classic confinement since the the home and removable-media interfaces provide typical locations for users to operate in. Have you considered the use of personal-files, system-files, or even snap layouts? What specific locations are still not covered by those?
Dependent software only available on host also falls under the unsupported category. You can easily include relevant packages from the Ubuntu archive via stage-packages, could this be an option?